What is PSAPs

What is PSAPs

As we get older we tend to lose our ability to hear, sometimes it becomes difficult especially if you are talking to someone, watching television and even listening to the birds outside. Hearing aids are definitely expensive and inaccessible, however, the increasing market for consumer electronics gives a new opportunity for affordable alternatives.

What is PSAP?

PSAPs or Personal Sound Amplifiers are low-cost hearing devices compared to hearing aids. For better understanding, PSAPs are not a hearing aid, they are intended to amplify environmental sound for non - hearing-impaired consumers. PSAPs and hearing aids have almost the same features but the only big difference is that hearing aids are FDA approved and PSAPs are not. 

Who is it for?

A non-hearing impaired individual may use it for:

  • Bird watching/hunting
  • Listening to speakers from a distance
  • Listening to soft, distant conversations

What are the benefits for PSAPs or Personal Sound Amplifier

  1. PSAPs cost less than hearing aids.

  1. Hearing aids are difficult to have, as you need doctor consultations and hearing tests from the health care provider. For PSAPs, you don't need to see a doctor, you can get it from websites or stores.

  1. According to studies, individuals who have mild to moderate hearing loss can communicate more effectively when using PSAPs

  1. It is easy to program through the product app and you can adjust the volumes of the treble, mid, and bass frequencies separately. You don't need to see a health care provider to test your hearing.

We are excited to bring you our best and most effective hearing amplifiers currently on the market, BHearing.

BHearing can personalize your hearing profile via BHearing App making it easier to make adjustments based on the needs. In the BHearing App you can also do self-testing and adjusting the hearing without assistance from a health care provider. BHearing is also Bluetooth handsfree and you can stream music wirelessly. It has a good design and overall fit for the user.


If you have mild to moderate hearing loss, it is a wise decision to get your own PSAPs, however if you suspect that you may have hearing loss it's best to see a doctor, have your hearing tested properly and assessed. 





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